Script People
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Carlo Sforza
In 1949 he took part in setting up the Council of Europe and became Chair of the Committee of Ministers. One of the pioneers of Europe, he was appointed as Italian foreign minister in 1947.
Robert Schuman
In 1949 he helped to set up the Council of Europe. One of the founding fathers of Europe, he was President of France’s Council of Ministers from 1947 to 1948, and served as French foreign minister in 1948. Addressed the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe on 10 August 1950.
Winston Churchill
United Kingdom
One of the founding fathers of the Council of Europe, Winston Churchill made a famous speech in Zurich in 1946 calling for the creation of « a United States of Europe ». Chaired the first European Federal Congress at the Hague in 1948, where he called for the creation of a European Organisation. UK Prime Minister from 1940 to 1945 and again from 1951 to 1955. Addressed the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe on 11 August 1950.
Alcide de Gasperi
One of the founding fathers of the Council of Europe, Alcide de Gasperi was Prime Minister of Italy from 1945 to 1953. Addressed the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe in December 1951.
Paul-Henri Spaak
President of the first sessions of the Committee of Ministers and Parliamentary Assembly in August 1949. Prime Minister of Belgium from 1947 to 1949 and one of the founding fathers of Europe, Paul-Henri Spaak addressed the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe on 11 December 1951.
Konrad Adenauer
One of the founding fathers of Europe and a leading instigator of Franco-German reconciliation. Presided over Germany’s accession to the Council of Europe in 1950. First Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany from 1949 to 1963, Konrad Adenauer addressed the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe on 20 May 1954.
René Cassin
President of the European Court of Human Rights from 1965 to 1968. Awarded Nobel Peace Prize in 1968.
Mikhail Gorbachev
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Mikhail Gorbachev made an historic speech before the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe on 6 July 1989,in which he referred to the « common European home ». President of USSR Supreme Soviet from 1985 to 1991. Awarded Nobel Peace Prize in 1990.
Franz Vranitzky
President of the first Council of Europe Summit of Heads of State and Government in Vienna from 8-9 October 1993. First Federal Chancellor of Austria from 1986 to 1997. Addressed the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe on 3 February 1993.
Václav Havel
Czech Republic
Inspired the creation of the Vaclav Havel human rights prize awarded annually by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. President of Czechoslovakia from 1989 to 1992, after the Velvet Revolution brought an end to one-party rule in the country. President of the Czech Republic from 1993 to 2003. Addressed the Parliamentary Assembly on 10 May 1990 and 29 June 1995.
Catherine Lalumière
Catherine Lalumière became the ninth Secretary General when she took office on 1 June 1989. She is the first woman to have held the post.
Leni Fischer
The first woman President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Leni Fischer served a three year term from 1996 to 1999. She was also a member of the German Bundestag and an active campaigner for equal opportunities for men and women.