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Consultative Council of European Judges: 20th anniversary
The Council of Europe's advisory body on the independence, impartiality and competence of judges is celebrating its 20th anniversary. The Consultative Council of Europe Judges (CCJE) is the first body in an international organisation to be composed exclusively of judges, and is therefore unique at European level. The CCJE delivers opinions with concrete proposals concerning the implementation of fundamental standards such as the independence of judges, their training, ethics, the quality of judicial decisions, etc.
To mark the 20th anniversary, CCJE President Duro Sessa, who is also President of the Supreme Court of Croatia, moderated an exchange of views between CCJE members and the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) President, Linos-Alexandre Sicilianos. They discussed the case law of the ECtHR regarding the independence of judges as well as the CCJE's contribution to the work of the ECtHR.